Today’s reading: Psalm 71:1-24
Psalm 71 is yet another song of affliction in which David is seeking God’s protection and deliverance. It appears that David wrote this psalm later in life since we see references to old age, gray hairs and still proclaiming God’s goodness from his youth (vs. 17-18). What I like about this psalm is that while it shows us that David has encountered difficulty throughout his entire life (and lets us know that will we too), it also reveals how God has been faithful to David throughout his entire life (and that He will be faithful to us too). This gives David confidence that God will act again, and prompts him to proclaim God’s goodness, telling those around him about God’s complete protection and provision in the past, and praising Him in the present.
Is it your practice to look back and recall God’s faithfulness when you encounter difficulty? How does God’s goodness to you in the past impact you in the present? How can you use your situation right now to proclaim God’s goodness and be a witness to others? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog