Today’s reading: James 1:1-4
The Book of James is a short Book, but does it ever pack a punch with its candid words and many practical lessons.
I pretty sure I’m not alone when I say that I don’t enjoy experiencing trials. In fact, I try to avoid them at all costs. Yet when I look back over my life, the times when I have grown and matured the most spiritually, are clearly the result of going through trials. So although my tendency is to grimace as I read James 1:3-4, I always end up nodding my head in agreement with James’ words of instruction. That doesn’t mean I’m going to ask God to give me trials, but it does mean that when they come (and they will) that I can say to God with confidence, “I trust You, God. Help me lean fully on You and be joyful as we walk together through this trial and I grow through the experience.”
What helps you keep a joyful attitude when the going gets tough? How have you seen your faith grow as a result of going through a trial or difficult season? What does this passage reveal about the source of our joyful heart and attitude? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog