Today’s reading: Acts 9:32-43
It feels good to be recognized and noticed when we accomplish something extraordinary. But if we’re not careful, pride can rear its ugly head and take us right down a self-focused, unhealthy path. As we come to the end of Acts 9, Peter heals a paralyzed man and brings Dorcas back to life. Two amazing miracles that got people’s attention and turned the spotlight on Peter. But Peter doesn’t give in to pride. Instead of reveling in the spotlight and taking credit for the miraculous things he was doing, Peter very intentionally highlights Jesus, giving the glory to God for the healing that has taken place.
When you accomplish something notable, do you give glory to God by thanking Him in prayer? What about publically recognizing God as being the motivating and empowering force behind your actions? Why is this important? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog