Today’s reading: John 4:46-54
Sometimes Jesus doesn’t answer our requests in the manner WE WANT for our comfort zone. That’s because Jesus wants us to take a step forward in faith by believing wholeheartedly that He is in control and has our best interests at heart.
When Jesus reaches Capernaum, an official whose son is deathly ill approaches and earnestly petitions him come back to his home and heal his son. Jesus declines to go, instead telling the man, “Go; your son will live” (vs. 50). Although things don’t come together the way this father envisions or wants, he believes and trusts in Jesus. So he turns and starts on his way home only to be met by servants partway through his journey. They tell him that his son is recovering and that the recovery started at precisely the time Jesus had told the man his son would live.
Where or in what area(s) is God asking you to take a faith step right now? Will you trust Him and be intentional about moving forward? When have you taken a step forward in faith and then experienced God’s faithfulness? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog