Today’s reading: John 8:31-32
As we finish out the week thinking about God’s truth, I felt we had to look at and consider John 8:31-32 which says:
“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
These two verses convey much. First, our need to be taking in, considering and living out God’s Word. And, second, that when we choose to spend time with God through His Word, a major benefit to us is spiritual truth which gives us spiritual freedom (freedom in Christ).
Take a few minutes to think about how knowing God’s truth has impacted your life. What’s an example of one of the freedoms knowing God’s truth has given to you (For example-freed from feelings of guilt and shame, freed from some sort of addiction, free to love all people, freed from living in fear, etc.)? How often do you thank God for giving us His true and perfect Word to live by? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog