Today’s reading: James 3:13-18
When I first read our passage for today, I initially took note of James’ warnings about jealousy and ambition. But as I went back and read the passage a few more times, it was James’ overall instruction on wisdom that drew my focus. The phrase “meekness of wisdom” that James uses as he begins discussing wisdom, combined with his telling us how making peace and having godly wisdom go hand-in-hand, prompted me to take my thinking about wisdom a little deeper. James helped me see how godly wisdom goes beyond having incredible insight and intelligence, to include properly putting the wisdom God gives us into action.
When you think about wisdom and ask God for it, do you think about peace as being part of your request? Why is peace an important element of godly wisdom? What did God reveal to you about wisdom from this passage? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog