Today’s reading: Galatians 6:6-10
Paul includes as part of his instruction to love and support one another, the specific command to provide support (goods, food, financial help, etc.) to those who are in a teaching/preaching position. This directive is found in verse 6. It’s an important verse inserted in the middle of this chapter that we can easily read over and miss. It states: “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.” This frees up and allows those people whom God has called to teach to fully devote their time and energy to serving God and helping others draw closer to Him. Thank you, Paul, for the reminder that we need to be aware of and providing for this important group of people.
Is it your practice to regularly support those who are in full-time ministry–your pastors through tithing at church, missionaries here and abroad, para-church ministries that spread the Gospel message and teach God’s Word? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog