Today’s reading: Proverbs 12:18
Today is our final day in Proverbs looking at verses about our words before we return to Genesis and the account of Abram and Sarai on Monday. I’ve enjoyed our short break in Proverbs and trust you’ve found our time in this Book as beneficial as I have. I am always in need of reminders and instruction on honoring God with the words I choose to speak.
“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
There are a number of things I like about Proverbs 12:18–the descriptions used and how they immediately bring clear and understandable images to mind, the message conveyed of the power of our words and how they can be harmful or restorative, and lastly, the point that a wise person will choose to offer words (in content and in tone) that bring healing.
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being low and 10 being high), where would you rate yourself with regard to using “healing words” in the past week? How can and will you improve this number going forward? Who, in your circle of influence, needs to hear some “healing words” from you? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog