Today’s reading: Acts 12:1-11; Psalm 3:3-6
So often when we encounter something unpleasant, heartbreaking, uncertain, frightening, etc., we have difficulty sleeping. And even when sleep finally comes, it’s not a restful, refreshing or peaceful sleep.
Peter is in a tough spot–sitting in prison well aware of James’ arrest and execution for choosing to follow Jesus and preach the Gospel message. So you’d expect to see Peter anxious, worried or at least a little unsettled–right? Not even close. Acts 12:7 tells us “an angel of the Lord stood next to him, and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him…” Did you catch Peter’s demeanor? He’s sound asleep in the middle of trouble. The presence and bright light of the angel didn’t wake him, so the angel has to resort to striking Peter to wake him up! I love this picture because it shows that no matter what we’re going through, when we put our trust in God, He will sustain us and give us His peace.
How has God been your shield and sustainer through difficult times (any sleep stories)? Is there a situation or circumstance for which you need God’s peace right now? Will you ask God to help you give your anxieties to Him and in return fill you with His peace? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog