Today’s reading: James 5:1-6; 1 Timothy 6:9-10
Throughout the Bible there are numerous passages dealing with money. And whether it’s by direct instruction or example, the clear message is that God wants us to be rich (focused and devoted) toward Him, rather than rich (having money and things) according to the world’s standards. James’ stern warning absolutely reinforces this message. I was particularly drawn to verse 5, which highlights the powerful pull money can have over us when we take our eyes off of God.
“You have lived on the earth in luxury and in self-indulgence. You have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.”
Do you find it difficult to keep your focus on God in a world that is fixated on wealth and possessions? What helps you keep a proper perspective about the money and things you have? How are you using (or how can you use) what money and possessions God has given you to build up treasure in heaven? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog