Today’s reading: 2 Kings 7:1-20
Part of life is dealing with challenges and working through difficulties, and there will be times when our circumstances seem absolutely overwhelming. So how we choose to respond in these times is critical. So often our tendency is to get caught up in, and focus on, the negatives of our circumstance. But when we choose to go down this path we end up crippling ourselves as we pull back, shut down and shift into a survival mode mindset. The fact of the matter is God has our situation covered, and wants and has so much more for us.
The account of the four lepers was an eye-opener for me. In the middle of a horrific situation, God had already gone before and prepared the way for these men. But in order for them to see what God had done and take advantage of His provision, they had to take action. I was grateful for this example and the message it delivered that living for God requires active participation on our part in all situations.
How are you actively living your life for God? Are you in a situation where God is waiting for you to take action? What encouragement did you draw from this passage? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog