Today’s reading: 1 Samuel 16:14-23
After Saul received the message that God has rejected him as king (see 1 Samuel 15:10-34), he goes through the motions of repenting and acknowledging to Samuel that he sinned when he was put on the spot, but not truly repenting at a heart level. So when we reach 1 Samuel 16:14-23 we see that the Spirit of the Lord has departed from Saul, and as a result, he is mentally and emotionally distressed.
The solution to Saul’s problem seems so obvious–he needs to turn back to God and seek forgiveness. But that doesn’t happen. It’s a sad picture because Saul never seems to give any consideration to seeking forgiveness as a remedy for his tormented state of mind.
What does Saul’s situation show us about choosing our ways over God’s? What does this account reveal about the impact of having an unrepentant heart and living with unconfessed sin? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog