Today’s reading: Psalm 58:1-11
From the headings in my ESV Bible, it appears that Psalm 57-59 were all written by David at the same time and/or concerning the same event or situation (being on the run from a murderously-minded king Saul and his men). So as I took in Psalm 58 today, I approached it like it was part 2 of, and giving me a more complete look at, David pouring out his heart to God concerning his current situation. In this psalm, David is pointing out his frustration to God about the unjust manner in which Saul and his officials are operating in Israel, not only against him personally, but also against God because of their sinful hearts and actions. So if we consider Psalm 57 and 58 together, David’s example is one that reveals that we can talk candidly with God about our concerns and frustrations, and still thank and praise God for who He is and how He loves, provides for and protects us.
Is it your practice to talk candidly with God about the wrong and unjust things taking place around you and perhaps to you? How does putting these wrongs into words help you stay focused on God and His Word and living rightly? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog