Today’s reading: 1 Samuel 10:1-27
A young Saul is anointed king of Israel in 1 Samuel 10. But Saul didn’t fully understand what was taking place, not to mention how and why it was going to play out going forward. Although Samuel anointed him as king, Saul didn’t have a detailed roadmap of the situation or a play-by-play instruction manual to follow, and he was a little scared (hiding from the crowd in some baggage). Yet he listened to Samuel–God’s representative–and obediently moved forward with the expectation that God would guide him along the way.
This passage is just what I needed today as I’m in the middle of one of these uncertain times. I am following God’s prompting, and I know He is right here with me, yet because I can’t see the full plan or how God is precisely working, my tendency is to hesitate, to question and, like Saul, to be a little fearful. So I’m thankful for the reminder 1 Samuel 10 provided–that I need to keep moving forward so I don’t miss out on or have a lesser experience with what God has for me.
Have you ever felt like young Saul here in 1 Samuel 10, struggling because you don’t fully understand or see all the details of God’s plan? What things help you keep moving forward when you’re not entirely certain how God is using the turns, twists, hills and valleys as contributors to your journey? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog